Salud +60 / Health 60+
Active Ageing is living life to the fullest! Education to enhance physical, emotional and social health among people over the age of 60!

Age to live ...
Salud 60+ opens opportunities and roads for activation and learning for all!

Transnational Partners' Meetings
Transnational representation and cooperation is key to advocate for a European supporting system towards active ageing! This is what we aim for in our Transnational Partners’ meetings!
Learning, Teaching, Training Activities
Getting educated on the matters taht promote active ageing and healthy living is our top priority! Click below to read more on what we learnt and what we will learn during our Activities!
The Guide
Once our meetings and activities have passed we will share with you a Guide full of information, guidance, practices and tools that can aid in the creation of a more active future!
Our findings
Overview of National Health systems
Based on desk and/or field research
Physical Health
Self-management, training and community practices
Mental Health
Self-management, training and community practices

Social health
Self-management, training and community practices
Suggestions from healthcare sector
Guidelines for cooperation
Our Partnership

FEUP- Coordinator (ES)
FEUP represents the Popular Universities (located in 203 municipalities and 12 autonomous communities in Spain) at a national and international level.

DAFNI KEK is a non-profit independent research center for innovation and social change through adult education

KERIGMA is a non-profit organization and its aim is to promote the integrated development of people, of organizations and the community

EUROCULTURE is a non-profit cultural and educational association with a long line of experience in the field of adult education

Our Mission
Adult education associations and institutions have a fantastic opportunity to play a crucial role in that process. A significant number of people pursuing non-formal education is over the age of 60 and, therefore, non-formal education centers hold a unique position to raise awareness regarding health issues among this age group through courses and activities.