Learning-Training Activities
Study visits related to the detection of practices on health and well being for over 60s
In this page you will find information on the objective of Learning – Training Activities, descriptions and agenda of each of the three learning activities and two infographics at the end, with a summary of the key findings of each activity.
The objective of the learning-training activities
The Salud +60 / Health 60+ project is a Key Action 2 project in the strand of exchange of good practices.
The main project activities consist of outreach actions in the local societies and on a national level, to professionals and practitioners in the health care sector as well as adult educators, representatives of associations and volunteering organisations. These people/organisations (in the broader sense) are addressed on the basis of their activities around health care, health literacy, life skills and competences training.
During the learning activities of the project, which include study visits, the hosting partner detects relevant professionals and organisations, and they are invited to present their work as well as give us their opinions on the topic we address along with suggestions and proposals based on their experiences, on how to support further our topic in a way that it reaches and positively affects people.
The Health 60+ partnership has foreseen the planning and realisation of 3 such activities in 3 countries – Spain, Cyprus and Greece.
You can find the information of the learning activities’ results below, followed by presentations and findings from each mobility carried out so far.
Analysis of the existing barriers on the matter and how to overcome them: Motivation and Awareness
Madrid (ES) - 24 to 26 November 2021
1st Learning activity / exchange
The purpose of this first activity is to present the medical and health service model in the participating countries.
Each partner will make a presentation of the healthcare service delivery model in its context.
The objective is to analyze the possible meeting points between the health authority and the adult training programmers.
Identifying who is the most appropriate interlocutor and seeking the formula to develop an understanding with these professionals are the objectives pursued with this activity.
Likewise, this connection will be sought between the knowledge and experience provided by health professionals and the motivational techniques that are characteristic of adult education.
The main objective of this activity is to find a way to combine these health and educational components to effectively adapt them to the target group of people over 60.
To this end, we will develop a guide that allows us to protocolize the connection between both health and educational institutions.
The participants selected by the partners will be educators, trainers, professionals in the adult education sector and health professionals with experience in working with people over 60 and the elderly.
Agenda of the activity
Agenda LTTI, Madrid (24th, 25th and 26th of November)
Venue: Municipal Center Las Dehesillas Avenida del Museo, 4, Leganés (Madrid)
Day 1:
10:00 – Welcome, institutional greetings by Montserrat Morales Corraliza (FEUP Coordinator), Miguel Ángel Gutiérrez Merino (Head of the Department of Sports and Culture of the local Government of Leganés) and Andrés Fernández Montalbán (Director of the Popular University of Leganés, presentations, etc. (1h)
11:00 – Presentation of the healthcare model in each country. (1h)
12:00 – Coffee break – 20 min
12:20 – Presentation on healthcare support for active aging– Red Soledades (Nertwork against involuntary loneliness. FEUP is a member of this network) (1h)
13:15 – Lunch break (Restaurant Amaro Pargo)
15:15 – Presentation of the protocol to establish cooperation with the healthcare sector – (FEUP) (15 min)
15:30 – Conclusions- (15 min)
15:45 – End of day 1.
Day 2:
10:00 – Institutional greetings from Juan Andrés Tovar Mena, Vice-president of FEUP
10:15 – Review of the agenda for the day. (15 min)
10:30 – Presentation of the protocol to establish cooperation with the healthcare sector – Kerigma, Dafni and Euroculture (1h 15 min)
11:45 – Coffee break (15 min)
12:00 – Presentation of the protocol to establish cooperation with the healthcare sector – UUPP Logroño and Lorca (45 min)
12:45 – Group analysis of the strategies and protocols identified to establish cooperation with the healthcare sector (30min)
13:15 – Lunch break (Restaurant Samoa)
15:15 – Brainstorming for the index and structure for the guide (30 min)
15:45 – Conclusions (15 min)
16:00 – End of day 2
Day 3:
10:00 – Review of the agenda for the day (15 min)
10:15 – Discussion with healthcare professionals (blended environment) (1h30)
11:45 – Coffee break (15 min)
12:00 – Selection of the contents for the guide and drafting of first version of the section regarding the cooperation with the healthcare sector (1h)
13:00 – Evaluation session LTT1 (15 min)
13:15 – Lunch break (Restaurant Mesón Gallego Gracy)
15:15 – Final issues (dates for LTT2, second transnational meeting in Portugal, etc.) and recap of the day (30 min)
15:45 – Conclusions and closing of the LTT (15 min)
16:00 – End of day 3.
Self-Management of mental, physical and social health, and prevention
Larnaka (CY) - 11 to 13 May 2022
2nd Learning activity / exchange
This activity begins with the presentation of the summary report of the previous LTT activity, as well as the results obtained in the scheduled meetings with members of the health institutions in each context. This implies an intensive preliminary preparation work that will be promoted by the coordinator of the action.
After reviewing this document, the LTT activity will focus on the key points that can enhance self-management of physical, emotional and social health.
The objective of this meeting is the development of a guide of good practices that collects everything that is significant for the general objective of promoting Self-Management and Prevention in health, understanding health as a universal value that includes physical health, emotional and social. This holistic approach to health is one of the key elements of the project, and it is the reason why adult education institutions are considered to have an especially important role to play in this area.
The participants selected by the partners will be educators, trainers and professionals from the adult education sector with experience in working with people over the age of 60.
Agenda of the activity
Agenda LTTII, Larnaka/Nicosia (11th, 12th and 13th of May)
Venue: Flaming Hotel, Larnaka
Day 1:
10:00 – Welcome! Opening session – all partners (20 min)
10:20 – Introdution to the meeting (Agenda, overview of the project- general topics) – all partners (15 min.)
10:35 – Detailed sharing of the Spanish National Agency’s indications about the project and what developments we have achieved so far (35 min)
11:00 – Coffee break (20 min)
11:20 – Project Dissemination – State of the art (Website, Social media, New Excel table, postings,other important information and updates) – all partners (40 min)
12:00 – Re-examine of the protocol to establish cooperation with the healthcare sector- Working group – partners (30 min)
12:30 – Finalise the contents for the guide and practices and drafting of final version of the section regarding the cooperation with the healthcare sector
13:00 – Lunch Break (1h30min)
14:30 – Discussion: questions, suggestions, requests, brainstorming – all partners (1h)
15:30 – Final remarks and conclusions of the day – all partners (15-30 min)
16:00 – End of day 1
Day 2:
10:00 – 16:00 – Whole day visit to Government officials and Local authotiries Adm. to discover their involvement in healthcare sector and their future plans. Visit to Nicosia Polydinamo kentro (healthcare -old people).
16:00 – End of day 2
Day 3:
10:00 – Discuss to the topic of collecting good practices that promote physical, emotional, and social health education:
- Finalisation of 3 good practices by each partner
- Discussion and definition regarding the model of presentation of the good practices (1h.35)
- Presentation by the Spanish coordinator if we have reach the final result of the guide and 3 practices per country and what else is missing.
11:35 – Discussion: questions, suggestions, requests (25 min)
13:00 – Lunch break (1h30 min)
14:30 – Evaluation session of the LTT2 (30 min)
15:00 – Conclusions of the 3-day meeting and definition of next steps all partners
16:00 – End of day 3.
Physical, mental and social activity: Practical experiences
Patras (GR) - 15 to 17 June 2022
3rd Learning activity / exchange
Activity 3 is a practical learning experience. Based on the draft of the general guide on Self-Management and Prevention common to all partners, each of them will present a practical application that they have implemented on the selected subjects: Physical Activity, Mental and Social Activity, and Independence.
The objective of this activity is to link different training initiatives to work towards the same educational initiative. It is about addressing the achievement of training objectives through
alternative teaching strategies.
The implementation of training focussed on training of trainers will have logical similarities, but also enriching differences. We seek to find educational solutions arising in different social and medical-health contexts, but which may be of general utility for the entire consortium.
The participants selected by the partners will be educators, trainers and professionals from the adult education sector with experience in working with people over 60 and the elderly.
Agenda of the activity
Agenda LTTIII, Patras (15th, 16th and 17th of June)
Venue: Dafni Kek office at Kanari str., 24, Patras
Day 1:
09:30 – Welcome and Introduction (presentation of the overall 3-days agenda) (1h)
10:30 – An overview of our contacts with the Western Greece Stakeholders (Local Government, Health Agencies and NGOs) on Health System and Later Life in Western Greece as a central or local initiative (measures and provisions towards the seniors’ well-being),
General Directory of Public Health and Social Welfare (30min)
11:00 – Coffee break – 20 min
11:20 – Introduction of Mrs Sofia Symeonidou (Director of Public Health and Social Welfare Agency on Elderly. Focus on the services for elderly, emphasizing on the map of relevant providers and overall division of responsibilities: Challenges and Considerations) (~1h)
12:30 – Discussion (30min)
13:00 – Lunch at a local tavern
15:00 – Visiting the premises of Geriatric Association of Greece Presentation by the President, Prof. Ellul Ioannis (Professor Of Geriatrics and Gerontology of the University of Patras): The profile of the Geriatric Association, role and activities (2h)
17:00 – BREAK and City Walk
19:30 – Visit ASTO EPIKOINONOUME: A good practice on physical and social wellbeing for all (common activities for young and old)
21:00 – Common dinner
Day 2:
09:30 – Silver Caregivers Certified Training: A Capacity Building initiative and an e- platform dedicated to seniors welfare (1h 30min)
11:00 – Coffee break (15 min)
11:15 – Presentation of the NGO FRONTIZO (for persons with mental health and seniors dementia): Their practices and interventions (30min)
11:45 – Discussion of the participants on the practices provided (15min)
12:00 – Discussion on project developments (website, booklet, dissemination) – Moderation by FEUP (1h 30min)
13:30 – Lunch in Patras city and free time
18:30 – Conference by DAFNI KEK at MY WAY HOTEL
Topic “Sustainable Employment and beyond: Equal Opportunities, Well being and Life Balance for All (includes Special Session on Health 60+)”
Joint Dinner at MY WAY HOTEL
Day 3:
09:30 – Review of the meeting: Lessons Learned – Moderation by DAFNI KEK (1h 30min)
11:00 – Coffee break (15 min)
11:15 – Evaluation and Next steps – TPM in Madrid (1h 15min)
12:30 – AOB
End of the 3rd LTTAs Activities
Departure of the participants
References from the presentations and discussions can also be found on our Guide page, as well as the Repository with direct links to their original authors (whenever possible)