The first learning activity of the Salud +60 / Health 60+ project was carried out successfully from 24 to 26 November 2021, in the Municipal Center Las Dehesillas Avenida del Museo, in Leganés (Madrid).
The partners had the chance to view a lot of interesting practices and learn about strategies from other organisations in Spain, on how they handle health literacy within adult education addressed to people over the age of 60.
Some preliminary key findings from the activity are:
- It is important to highlight the relationships between one level and the other (national, regional and local), as well as to identify the different responsibilities of each one of them.
- Identification of the units specialized in the diagnosis and prevention of pandemic diseases and collective pathologies
- Identification of those health-care professionals with the capacity to transfer information
- Developing a relationship protocol
- The identification of relevant topics seeks to obtain the most useful and accurate information that can be used by the H + 60 partners.
- Coordinated development of educational programmes
- It is important to involve the health-care authorities as much as possible in the development of H + 60
- Once the actions related to the LTT1 have been completed, the guide will support the H + 60 training development.
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