Salud60+ continues successfully!
The second Transnational Meeting for project Salud+60 (Health+60) was held from March 03rd to March 04th. This time representatives from all the contributing parties had the opportunity to meet in person in Porto, Portugal. The session was highly fruitful, making us look to the future with optimism and anticipation!
Salud+60 is a project developed within the framework of the Key Action 204 of the Erasmus+ programme. The project is coordinated by the Spanish Federation of Popular Universities (FEUP) and it is based on the cooperation between KERIGMA (Portugal), EUROCULTURE (Cyprus) and DAFNI KEK (Greece). The focus of the project is education aimed at promoting awareness and self-management of physical, mental and social health among people over the age of 60.
During the first day of the meeting, the discussions were around the most optimal dissemination process to be followed for the project. A great number of interesting ideas were examined for this purpose and the partners agreed on creating a specialized website providing all the necessary information of the project and enhancing its visibility to the public. It was also considered useful and proposed to make a forecast of the website visits and create a table with contacts of entities per partner in order periodic information to be sent about the project.
Another activity that could bring positive results in the dissemination of the project is the composition of articles for EPALE (Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe) on different themes from all contributing partners and the creation of regular brief press releases. In order to reach people in trending social media platforms it was considered helpful to create a Tik Tok account linked to the existing Instagram account. All dissemination activities will be monitored in predefined dates.
During the second day of the meeting, the partners reflected on the national health system reports of their countries they presented during LTT1 (Learning Teaching Training 1) in Leganés, Spain. All the national health care systems present some similarities regarding their general organization at the national, regional and local levels. Within each health administration there are units that are specialized on prevention of pandemic diseases and collective pathologies and also health-care professionals with the capacity to transfer the necessary information to the partners to develop training in tune with the needs identified by the health-care authorities.
Our institutions have tried to develop a relationship protocol with the appropriate health care units and authorities and to share our objective which is the contribution to the development of health training programmes for people over the age of 60, as health education contributes to educational objectives by transmitting values and awareness, but also improves the general health of the population. The identification of relevant topics for the institutions wishing to establish this communication is extremely important especially for the coordinated development of educational programmes.
The next Transnational Meeting will be held in Paralimni, Cyprus, where will be discussed ways to combine the methodologies and educational needs in order to develop a training program for Health caregivers dealing with people 60+ and to create a manual with a collection of good practices for the promotion and empowerment of actions for prevention and self-management of mental, social and mental health of people 60+ in the context of Adult Education.
We welcome you to join us on the continuation of this journey and learn with as along the way. Stay tuned for the latest news!
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.