The Health Insurance Organisation was established by virtue of the Law No 89(I) 2001 as a legal entity governed by public law for the implementation of the General Healthcare System (GHS) in the Republic.
It is governed by a Board of Directors in which the government, the employers, the employees and the patients are represented. In accordance with the General Healthcare System Laws of 2001 to 2017 the Organisation is the executive authority for the implementation of the GHS. The Law stipulates the philosophy, system-architecture and main features of the GHS.
The vision of the Agency is, through the implementation of the GHS, to provide every Cypriot citizen with the opportunity to to have equal and unhindered access to high quality health care services throughout life.
The mission of the Agency is the implementation of the GHS. The GHS is a people-centred system, based on the principles of social solidarity, equity and universality, both in terms of contribution and coverage. It is an integrated system health care system that aims to meet the expectations of the Cypriot citizen for equal treatment and ensuring a high level of health care, making the best possible use of available financial resources and offering the best possible health care reflecting current perceptions and realities.
Information on the GHS is available in Greek and English