The Organization “Thalpos-Mental Health” is a non-profit and non-governmental organization established in 2005 with an active role in the intervention and the information on mental health and in managing social care programs.
The cornerstone of the Thalpos was the establishment, the organization and the operation of the two Psychosocial Rehabilitation Units (PRU) of the living quarters type for mental patients, “Thalpos Attica” and “Thalpos Kalamata” which operate in accordance with the Greek Mental Health Reform Framework and the Program “Psychargos” and under the supervision of the Ministry of Health.
At the same time, since 2007, the Organization has worked with local, national and European bodies for the development and the implementation of detailed strategy action plans on entrepreneurship, employment, social integration, mental health and welfare, with the aim to raise awareness and participate actively in the local communities in order to address social issues in the long term.
Information on Thalpos is available both in Greek and English